Gyre & Gimble

FMCG brand and packaging design for craft gin distilliery.

Intending to take a variety of new craft spirits to market, Craig Allison Distillery requested a brand entity and initial concepts for packaging artwork.

Although the brief was relatively open, but the brand name, Gyre & Gimble, had already been chosen. Likewise, a number of gin flavours had already been produced, also named for characters from or references to Lewis Caroll’s novels Alice in Wonderland and its sequel Through the Looking-Glass.

Rather than create a brand in a visually gothic-romantic style that would be most obviously associated with such fantasy fiction, I opted to take a more modern and tangental approach intended to differentiate from similarly themed brands and appeal to a slightly younger demographic than the majority of marketing for alchoholic spirits.

Jabberwocky Device

Gyre & Gimble is taken from a line in the poem ‘Jabberwocky,’ included in Through the Looking Glass. The original illustration depicts a snarling creature with bulbous eyes, long teeth whisker-like appendages hanging from its cheeks. In homage to that artwork, this reductive, geometric face was constructed for use as a brand marque.

Logo / Device

Although a mono version of the brand logo / device was designed, they are intended to be reproduced in colour overprint or via a suitable mix-blend-mode on screen. There is no set brand palette, rather a primary colour is chosen as appropriate for each product along with a complimentary contrast (in this instance a cherry gin).


Prototype artwork was produced to test a tapered net for the bottle label and assess the quality of print processes and substrates.

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